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About Jennifer

About Jennifer

Well, you came here to learn something about here starts her story. I was born on October 31, 1978 - that's right Halloween!! 

I always tell her that I'm not sure if she's a trick or a treat. I think she's both. She weighed in a 6 lbs. 4 oz. - the smallest of this family. She was toilet trained really easy and started walking way before her brothers. Guess that makes her more advanced then they are LOL!!


Jennifer's Picture

Well here are some pictures of my daughter, Jennifer. She's the blonde one. It was at 14 years of age that a modelling agency contacted me and asked if she could model. I said "NO"...I did not want a life like that for her.

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Most of these girls have been friends since they were very young. There are a few new friends and their names are: Iruaku Mgbemena, Suzanne Grundy, Vivian Luk,Katie Snowball Davis and Lisa (who has been a friend of Jennifer's since Grade 3).

The guy with Jennifer is Habib, her fiancee.


What Jennifer's Name Means

What Jennifer's Name Means

Her name means "WhiteWave"
Local origin of name " English.
From the Welsh root name "Guinevere".
Meaning: (Gwenhwyfar). "Fair, white, smooth, yielding".
Emotional spectrum - A built-in steam valve keeps the heat down!
Personality - Takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute.
Career & Money - A career in teaching would suit Jennifer.
Life's Opportunities - A survivor, she will always bounce back and be ready again.

Some of the above is true about Jennifer, but then they totally missed out on her personality. She does not take life slow and easy...but takes the fast lane, but she is a survivor and has proven that she bounces back and is ready again. The Emotional Spectrum is true, she is quick to fuel but rarely stays angry with anyone for long periods. (If you heard her driving you'd think she was a wild woman :) )


Things Jennifer Likes

Things Jennifer Likes

The most favoirite thing she likes is COWS. Yes, I did spell it's cows. I made her a cow page since she has cows everywhere else LOL!! Jennifer's Cow Page

She used to like dancing and going out with her friends. They usually went to clubs either in Ottawa or Hull but now she is engaged to a wonderful man and they are usually home or out together. She loves driving and presently owns a 2000 Jimmy because she likes nice cars.

She also loves to shop as all young girls do but being a part of a couple, she has to be careful and budget for things that she wants.
She's learning that careful budgetting and no random spending means that she can usually get the things she need. Plus if she's stuck - she usually visits me to help out and I do.


Things Jennifer Does

Things Jennifer Does

Well, she works two jobs, one in the Federal Government and one as a waitress on the weekends and since she's very social, she gets to meet lots of people and she really enjoys
talking to people....must take after me on that one.


Jennifer's Brothers

Jennifer's Brothers

She has three brothers. Jason, who is the oldest. Derek, who is the second oldest and Ryan who is the youngest. You can reach any of them at their sites. It's nice having brothers because many times they've come in handy in helping her out . Links are here for them.

Jason's Place

Derek's Place

Ryan's Place


Her Mom

Her Mom (Me)

I have always stood by Jennifer and helped whenever she needed it and still do. I have a saying about a daughter. "A daughter becomes a true daughter when she herself becomes a mother".
You can find out more about me at my site.
Lady Care's Garden of Love.


Her Dad

Her Dad

Well, her father and I are divorced but her father now lives in Ottawa with his girlfriend right around the corner from her. Since I've moved to Montreal, we talk almost every day and see each other every few months. I stay at her house when I visit as well as she now holds all the holiday suppers. She's a good cook and so is her fiancee.


Her Other Favorite Family Members

We've had many animals since she was born and each one was very special to all of us. I created a complete site for each of them as I really loved them all - just as we all did. You can find out all about them by their links here.

She has adopted three new cats. Lucky II, Moo Cow and Minoo

Lucky- The first cat she found in winter. She was totally dehydrated and close to death, but you wouldn't know it now to look at her. She's also called "Fat Cat" by those close to her. Although the name is the same as the tabby cat we had and her behavior is the same as the First Lucky, she actually looks idential to Spunky. She's totally black.
Lucky II - Click on name to visit Lucky II's Page

Moo - Another cat she found and the reason for the name "Moo Cow"is that she really does look like a cow *S* ....The Cow Cat - she's always collected cows and has tons of them in her room. Now she has a Cow Cat.......that's a rare find.

The vet couldn't believe her looks either. There has been quite a few jokes about this cat.
Moo Cow - Click on name to visit Moo Cow's Page

Magnum - Magnum is her doberman. Habib bought him shortly after they got together and he is one pampered dog. He passed his puppy school training and now has a dog walker who picks him up every day during the week for a 3 hour walk. Habib and Jennifer work two jobs each so it is hard to walk him each day.

He is nicknamed "Mr. Hollywood" because he has the whitest teeth I've ever seen on a dog. It helps that they brush them weekly.
Magnum - Click on name to visit Magnum's Page

I have nothing on the latest addition Minoo yet, but will post it on the web when I get a picture.

You can view them by going to visit Our Fur Family Realm

Princess - The dog she grew up with
Lucky - The cat she grew up with
Spunky - Another cat that she grew up with
Fluffy - A cat that we got later on in her life
Kody - A dog we had when she was small and doesn't really remember.
Moochie - Our first Pug
Pugsley - Our second pug which she now has.

I also created a very special page to honor those members of our fur family who have passed on to Rainbow Bridge.
Please visit it.
A Special Memorial to Our Fur Family


Jennifer's Journal

Well, this should be easy for me now since she's moved back home. I wants this site to be an eternal gift to her . Each of them having a special place here so that someday they can show it to their children and to their childrens' children.

They will only need to find the disks and that could be hard because I have hundreds. I plan on putting them away and letting them know where to find them. It may be really nice later on to look back on all of this. It's my work of love for them.


Jennifer is now finished school and working two jobs. She worked at Winner's - a store that sells all brand name clothing for a reduced price. and a Roger's Video store. Apparently many people that I know that see her state that she is a fantastic worker, but I already knew that. She's been working since she was 14 years old. She worked part-time at many places to earn money for her expensive taste in designer clothes.

Jennifer just got her first car. Yes, finally the dream has become a reality. She now drives a 2000 Jimmy Jeep. Her car is better than mine. *S What most people consider extra, she considers part of the package and can usually arrange to get great deals. I hate the huge machine she has but you could move a couch in that car. *S*

We celebrated Christmas of 1998. Jennifer got tons of stuff as she has many many friends who buy her gifts. We got her a complete bed ensemble, including the duvet, duvet cover, mattress cover, shams, blankets, etc.
She got a TV from her dad, but it's smaller than the one she is using so she is letting Kris use it for his Nintendo 64 game.


1999- 2000

Jennifer is now working full time at Cantel and is an office manager for the one in Kanata. She's a great worker and can usually find great jobs quickly.

Well another year down, and we all had a great Christmas. We got Jennifer a car starter because she's alot like me and gets cold very quickly. Now we can both put our starters on and have warm cars when we go out.

We also got her an organizer, but she won't use it. She says she keeps everything in her head. Sure, all blondes keep everything in their heads*S*

2000 - 2001

Jennifer is now working full time at Cellect Communications and is an office manager for the one in East End. She's a great worker and can usually find great jobs quickly.

Well another year down, and we all had a great Christmas. We got Jennifer an antique ring and a pair of expensive boots . Shopping for adults isn't easy, so I usually let them pick out what they want and then buy it. Jennifer got us a DVD Player and we haven't stopped watching it since we got it. The sound effects are amazing as well as the clarity of the pictures.

2004 - 2008

Jennifer met Habib and now they are engaged to be married. Jennifer is now working for the Federal Government and as well she works on the weekends as a waitress. She loves the steady flow of $150.00 to $200.00 per night in tips. She owns a house now so the more money she makes the better she likes it.

Jennifer's Home Page Jennifer's Home Page

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This background set made and copyrighted by Lady Care.
It was made especially for Jennifer's Castle of Dreams.
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