
Song Playing is
"You Are My Special Angel"

This page is dedicated to my grandmother on my mother's side (Florence). This grandmother made sure that while growing up, we never got less than any of our cousins. She would buy us the exact same thing that my cousin got.

She was the heart of this family. My grandmother got married and then her husband went off to war. When he returned they had 5 children (Simon, Jeanette, Lucille (my mother)Rita and Paul). Her husband died right after that and she raised all 5 children alone. This isn't a big deal today but during her time, there was a war and there were food shortages and for the food there was very high prices.

My grandmother worked 3 jobs and none of my aunts and uncle even knew there was a shortage. They wanted for nothing.

Every holiday was at her home. Every meal she cooked from scratch. She bought every one of grandchildren presents for every occassion. She was there if you needed anything. I made it to the hospital 2 minutes after she passed away.

Dear Granny:
I know you are in Heaven with God, so please watch over me and all of my family. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for ensuring that my childhood was wonderful.

I'll see you at the gate when I get there.
I love you very much.

Your Grand-daugher


[ My Father ] [ My Neice, Crystal ] [ My Grandmother, Bertha ] [ My Grandmother, Florence ]
[ My Aunt Jeanette ] [ My Aunt Rita and Uncle Dunc ] [ My Aunt Simon ] [My Uncle Paul ]


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