<bgsound src="herecomesthesun.mid" loop="infinite">

As I ponder what might have happened, upon closer inspection
I had begun to use my will, and was headed in that direction
Not listening to my inner voice, I was headed for a slip
Listening to myself, I was starting to lose my grip
Subtle signs ignored, sometimes hard to be spirit wise
My mind bent on self will, I listened to its lies
Things not going my way, feeling sorry for poor old me
Going for what I wanted, I wouldn't let things be
What I needed I could not accept, and blocked it all out
Wanting everything made easy, always full of self doubt
Knowing that I was doing wrong, I could still hear my inner voice
Determined to do it my way, I left myself no choice
Coming closer to my doom, ignoring all for fools
On a path of ruin, breaking all the rules
Till when I started losing, almost everything I'd gained
Something said no you can't, and then my resolve waned
Coming to face myself, I finally had to stop
I had to get off the path I was on, accept anew who's on top
Remember, events can lead, in a direction toward setback
Its up to us to let it go, and let God put us, on track

By Douglas A. Walker

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