

<BGSOUND SRC="canyoufeel.mid" LOOP=TRUE>

Eternally the odd one out,
we would invariably feel left out
Alone not seeming to fit in with our peers
Others did not receive us, we felt as outcasts
In our loneliness we turned to other diversions
to make us more secure
Using artificial means
we found ourselves part of an association
Others like us had chosen the same vices,
often for the same reasons
We started to discover that the substance that allowed us to fit in
was now having the opposite effect
Our comrades started to avoid us we were back where we started
Only now we had addiction to add to our woes
To deal with the affliction we found a place
where we could open up about our problems
Others like us had chosen the same solution,
often for the same reasons
We started to discover that what allowed us to fit in,
was having a positive effect for
instead of medication we found God

Douglas A. Walker

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